Featured Alumni

Mr. Siddharth Banerjee
Mr. Siddharth Banerjee is currently serving as the Director, Facebook. He also served as part of the LP Advisory Committee at KStart Capital prior to which he acted as the Executive Vice President - Marketing, Vodafone India Limited. For the last 18 years, he has been managing Business & Brands across Emerging Markets having spent major time in Unilever. He graduated from FMS in the year 2000.
He is married to his FMS batchmate, Eika Chaturvedi Banerjee who is the CEO of Future Learning. They have two lovely daughters, Oishee & Tavishee. He and his wife have published a book together.
FMS for him is a magical place, from where he graduated with MBA skills, fabulous friends and a wife. According to him, it is people who make FMS including the faculty and the alumni community. Coming back to FMS always feels like being at home.
To him, "Management is being able to discipline and inspire self and teams to achieve extraordinary outcomes".